Wolverhampton Racecourse finished off
a great years show jumping with a BSJA competition,
held on Sunday.
The racecourse, which has held 5 BSJA
events over the course of the summer, has received fantastic feedback from competitors
and spectators alike over the course of the events.
The day’s events began at 9.00am with
the Blue Chip Intro/Amateur Category. Notable winners on the day were Suzanne
Gill who took both 1st and 2nd place, Lucy Stubbs who
took the Blue Chip 70cm points series championships, and Rachel North on
Venella. The 90cm and the 1.00m were both won by Sally Taylor on Keirs Rumour,
she also won the Blue Chip section of both classes.
Wolverhampton Racecourse is a purpose
built equestrian facility with over 120 permanent stables, onsite Holiday Inn
hotel and polytrack gallops. They also have a hard standing lorry park for over
500 lorries as well as onsite catering.
David Roberts Managing Director said “We
have had a great response to the equestrian events over 2011, and we look
forward to building on our successes into 2012. I think it shows just how
versatile Wolverhampton Racecourse is to handle this type of event”.
Lucy Stubbs being presented with her prize by Sally Lock.